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Category: Additional Topics

Pop, pop, pop, goes the Population Growth in Texas! - Blog Image

Pop, pop, pop, goes the Population Growth in Texas!

February 5, 2025

  Welcome New Texans! The U.S. Census Bureau says that Texas added the most new residents in 2024 to our state compared to the other 49.  Texas now clocks in at 31.2-m residents compared to California’s 39.4-m.  Texas added 562,000 to our population in 2024! Welcome, new Texans!  This makes Texas the fastest growing state […]

Retail’s Rollercoaster - Blog Image

Retail’s Rollercoaster

January 8, 2025

While Christmas is the season to be jolly it’s especially true for retail stores, because they book 1/3 to ½ of their profits during the holidays.  But also, just as true, January is the month for retailers to declare bankruptcy, because they just booked as much business as possible and with their balance sheets already impaired. […]

Uncertainty in 25′ - Blog Image

Uncertainty in 25′

December 9, 2024

It has been said, that “Uncertainty may be uncomfortable, but certainty is absurd” (Voltaire). Period of Uncertainty We have struggled the past two years with the uncertainty of inflation [up and now lowering], with interest rates [up a lot, and now lowering] and then there was the very uncertain Election which has been decided and […]

BIG construction taking place in San Antonio - Blog Image

BIG construction taking place in San Antonio

August 20, 2024

Real Estate certainly seems in the doldrums. The market had surged strongly after Covid and peaked on April Fools’ Day 2022, but fell apart so fast that within six weeks buyers went from making above-asking-price offers to walking away from deals because real estate was no longer the hot asset class. The markets bottomed late […]

AI or AC? - Blog Image

AI or AC?

June 5, 2024

This image is a free use photo by antonioespana.   AI is on everyone’s minds and lips these days.  Wall Street sees it as the only thing that will grow our economy and national output.  Every CEO must mention AI a dozen or more times in his earnings call to not be considered backward and […]

The Commercial Real Estate Forecast - Blog Image

The Commercial Real Estate Forecast

May 11, 2024

                           Interest rate decrease – Not Happening We were expecting a decrease in interest rates to bail out the commercial real estate community by mid-year, but that’s not happening. Now, we suspect there will probably be one rate cut before the election in November, […]

Commercial Real Estate Non-Bank Lending: The Drama of Equity and Debt - Blog Image

Commercial Real Estate Non-Bank Lending: The Drama of Equity and Debt

March 21, 2024

The photo of the poker chips was modified and the original photograph can be found here. The Pillars of Property Ownership Every real estate investor knows that property ownership is built on two pillars: equity and debt.  Equity is your investment with your own dollars, or dollars from friends and family.  This is also called […]

The Texas Draw, God Blessed Texas! - Blog Image

The Texas Draw, God Blessed Texas!

February 22, 2024

God Blessed Texas! Says the song by the band, Little Texas.  So, let’s count our blessings. France-Texas-Italy Texas would be the ninth largest economy in the world, if we were a sovereign nation, with the 2023 state GDP of $2.52-trillion, which is ahead of Italy’s at $2.3-trillion and just behind France at $3.2-trillion. Texas is […]

Timeless Guidance For Facing Life’s Challenges - Blog Image

Timeless Guidance For Facing Life’s Challenges

December 11, 2023

Photo Credit Stackoverflow. At this time of year, we often pause and reflect on our lives and our families. Here I offer you a well-known poem by Rudyard Kipling that may help us to focus on the “golden mean” of moderation in a world that seems so divided now. Kipling wrote this to his son, but I […]

Survive ’23 to Thrive in ’25: A Bright Future Awaits - Blog Image

Survive ’23 to Thrive in ’25: A Bright Future Awaits

October 18, 2023

Photo Credit CUTRER PHOTOGRAPHY. In the wise prose of Merle Haggard, “If we make it through December, everything’s going to be all right I know…” That is the way I see the commercial real estate market just now. Recessions Past At a lunch recently with another real estate broker and company owner, the question came up, […]

The Fall of Uncertainty - Blog Image

The Fall of Uncertainty

September 13, 2023

Photo credit goes to Vagueonthehow We should call this the Fall of Uncertainty.  We are uncertain as to falling or rising inflation; uncertain as to higher interest rates, one of the largest factors in valuing real estate; uncertain as to true new values of real estate; uncertain as to whether we are now in a […]

August Raub Report:  AI Needs New Data Centers - Blog Image

August Raub Report: AI Needs New Data Centers

August 24, 2023

Photo is Public Domain.   In the June and July Reports, I tried to address Artificial Intelligence and the impact it may have on Commercial Real Estate as a whole.  This month I would like to look at AI’s impact on a very specific class of commercial real estate in San Antonio, and that is Data […]

Thrive in ’25 - Blog Image

Thrive in ’25

May 9, 2023

This photo was captured by Slammed by Bank Failures The Marketplace has been slammed in the past two months with four U.S. bank failures, then add Credit Swiss to that crowd.  No one knows if this is the worst of it, or if it is the “tip of the iceberg” or the “first shoe to […]

Preserving the Old and Constructing the New in San Antonio - Blog Image

Preserving the Old and Constructing the New in San Antonio

March 23, 2023

February’s Letter was about the Tug-of-War between worker shortages we are facing and the need to tamp down high inflation. Let’s now talk about the places where about one-third do their work – offices. Fast Fact – Women comprise about 70% of the office workforce and men 30%. Commercial Property Price Index Green Street Research […]

Jobs, Workers, More & Less - Blog Image

Jobs, Workers, More & Less

February 16, 2023

Jobs and the Workforce Permit me please to digress a moment from commercial real estate in San Antonio and look at a larger issue – jobs.  This certainly bears on commercial real estate, because, after all, that is where jobs get done and where people work. We are all well familiar with the Pandemic Two-Step: […]

Welcome 2023! - Blog Image

Welcome 2023!

January 18, 2023

Photo by Brad Barmore on Unsplash Predictions and Resolutions It’s the New Year!  Time for predictions and resolutions. We can predict 2023 will be a different sort of year from 2022, and we can all resolve to not make the same mistakes, again, and make better decisions. However, while the questions and uncertainties that surround […]

Survive to Thrive - Blog Image

Survive to Thrive

November 17, 2022

As we approach the end of a very, very rocky year, it is fair to ask “Where are we and where are we going?”  In fact, I get asked this question all the time.  Obviously, we are not at the end of the rate-hiking cycle by the FED and that dominates the conversation. Real Estate […]

Will Build to Rent Communities Age Well? - Blog Image

Will Build to Rent Communities Age Well?

September 15, 2022

Build-to-Rent Communities, all the Rage So, why don’t I like Single Family Rentals communities?  They are all the rage.  At least a half dozen new Build-To-Rent (BTR) communities are going up in San Antonio.  This trend began in the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-2009 when there were massive foreclosures by the banks and FNMA/Fannie Mae.  […]

San Antonio Housing vs. The Recession - Blog Image

San Antonio Housing vs. The Recession

August 24, 2022

Are we on the brink of a Recession? We have had two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth, and that is the definition of a recession.  However, DC says “don’t mind that because job growth is still strong.” On the other hand, this is coming from the same folks who said inflation is transitory before […]

Austin-San Antonio Corridor Vs. the Recession - Blog Image

Austin-San Antonio Corridor Vs. the Recession

June 6, 2022

Can San Antonio skate by the on-coming Recession? Retail sales are declining. U.S. home sales are down 16% in April alone, the fifth straight month of declines. The stock market has fallen apart with interest rates edging higher and higher. Inflation may be peaking, but will likely remain high for some time to come. Gross […]

Uncertainty Yields Opportunity - Blog Image

Uncertainty Yields Opportunity

May 10, 2022

  You may remember the movie series, Men in Black. In MIB 3 there is a pleasant space alien named Griffin who has the talent of seeing the future, but he goes one step further by seeing all possibilities of futures outcomes! He intones, “So many possibilities!” Sort of like where we are now.   Economic Standing in […]

Commercial Real Estate and San Antonio Look Strong for 2022 - Blog Image

Commercial Real Estate and San Antonio Look Strong for 2022

February 11, 2022

Commercial Real Estate This is the time of year when everyone tallies how good/bad things were last year and how they expect them to be this year.  All in all, San Antonio looks pretty good! Housing « Starting close to home on the personal housing front, San Antonio Business Journal announced that San Antonio ranked […]

Continuing and Emerging Patterns for 2022 - Blog Image

Continuing and Emerging Patterns for 2022

January 6, 2022

The Turning of the Year from old to the new, a finished episode on to promising expectation, is a traditional time for both reflection and anticipation. Each year Urban Land Institute and PWC (formerly Price Waterhouse Coopers) compile an extensive study of Commercial Real Estate entitled Emerging Trends in Real Estate. Their methodology is an […]

Anticipate Inflation Now - Blog Image

Anticipate Inflation Now

December 7, 2021

For this discussion I went back to the Raub Reports in February and March 2009 as the stock market crash ended and inflation was a big topic then, too. Inflation Rate in 2021 Inflation has become a significant issue on our national economy in the past 6 months with the October reading a shocking 6.2% […]

Back at Last - Blog Image

Back at Last

November 9, 2021

San Antonio Nears a Full Economic Recovery San Antonio has now nearly recovered to the economic level where we were prior to the pandemic with September’s unemployment rate down to 4.5%, according to the Texas Workforce Commission. We were actually near 3% in early 2020, which is pretty much full employment and we could be […]

The Inevitables: Death and Taxes - Blog Image

The Inevitables: Death and Taxes

August 16, 2021

Photo credit goes to “American Money” by 401(K) 2013 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 The Inevitables: Death and Taxes Death and taxes, the two inevitables.  In a capital-intensive industry like commercial real estate, taxes and interest rates are the two largest expense factors driving the returns for all properties and property types.  Of course, […]

Mixed-use Property for Sale in San Antonio – Is it a Good Investment? - Blog Image

Mixed-use Property for Sale in San Antonio – Is it a Good Investment?

August 13, 2021

Photo Credit goes to Zereshk and the original copy can be found here:     The development of the mixed-use property is on the rise in San Antonio. There are plans for new developments downtown near the Riverwalk, in the Pearl District, as well as in other parts of the city. Should you consider […]

Raub Report: Interruption or Disruption - Blog Image

Raub Report: Interruption or Disruption

May 25, 2021

Pandemic brought forth the Recession You will recall, with perhaps a little effort, the past ten years was the longest economic expansion in U.S. history, which came to an abrupt end when the Pandemic brought us the Recession that we had been waiting for. Then, thanks to the Federal Reserve’s quick and shockingly awesome response […]

San Antonio Real Estate Market Proves Promising for Investors - Blog Image

San Antonio Real Estate Market Proves Promising for Investors

May 14, 2021

In the past, San Antonio may have been in the shadows of other major Texas cities like Austin, Houston, and Dallas, but that’s beginning to change. San Antonio real estate statistics show that the city has had a resurgence of investment in its business district downtown. The new excitement is in part due to an […]

7 Real Estate Investing Tips for Aspiring Investors - Blog Image

7 Real Estate Investing Tips for Aspiring Investors

May 6, 2021

Investing in real estate can be a great way to build wealth and generate passive income. However, if you’re a budding real estate investor, you might be overwhelmed by the amount of information on how to get started.   While the path to becoming a successful real estate investor does come with its own set […]

Is office space here to stay or will it slowly fade away? - Blog Image

Is office space here to stay or will it slowly fade away?

April 23, 2021

Taking into consideration what characterizes a thriving community and strong company culture, human connection plays a vital role. That being said, work-from-home is definitely trending and some say it’s here to stay. What does that mean for overall office use? Rather than downsizing, companies are adjusting the use of their current space to better suit […]

Austin & San Antonio Sister Cities, The Dynamic Duo - Blog Image

Austin & San Antonio Sister Cities, The Dynamic Duo

February 10, 2021

Let’s continue our January conversation about the Austin-San Antonio Corridor, a title coined by John Naisbett in his 1982 book, “Megatrends.”  Remember the scene in White Christmas that went “Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters.”  Could this possibly apply to San Antonio and Austin, sister cities on the I-35 corridor?  Right now, Austin […]

Strategies for Attaining your Goals - Blog Image

Strategies for Attaining your Goals

February 4, 2021

Thoughts inspired by strategic coach, Dan Sullivan Move Forward and Leave the Past, in the Past There is an excitement in the air surrounding the New Year as we enter into 2021. To make this year the best yet, it is imperative to remain positive no matter the circumstances and take on a fresh perspective. […]

It’s Holiday Season and Santa is comin’ to town… Oh wait, that’s Amazon! - Blog Image

It’s Holiday Season and Santa is comin’ to town… Oh wait, that’s Amazon!

December 17, 2020

Its December, it’s the Holiday Season and Santa is comin’ to town! Next year, that is. And he’s “beginning to look a lot like” Amazon! This ubiquitous giant is buying up land, right here in River City. Now this does NOT come from the professionals involved in these transactions, all of whom have signed ironclad […]

Has BOPIS Saved the Day? - Blog Image

Has BOPIS Saved the Day?

December 2, 2020

While there may not have been as much foot-traffic this Black Friday, stores that have established a pickup in-store or curbside option have seen a substantial online sales volume. According to Market Watch “Sales at big stores surged by 403% on Thanksgiving and Black Friday compared to the daily average in October, but sales at […]

Better Time to Buy Than to Sell - Blog Image

Better Time to Buy Than to Sell

November 25, 2020

District 10 City Councilman Clayton Perry, commented that San Antonio has experienced a 34% decline in small businesses due to COVID. This is the worst hit of any city in Texas, illustrating how dependent SA is on small entrepreneurs. Then, our City Council has $75-million available from the CARES Act that he felt should have been […]

San Antonio New Construction: 5 Commercial Builders You Can Rely On - Blog Image

San Antonio New Construction: 5 Commercial Builders You Can Rely On

September 8, 2020

Finding the right commercial builder for construction projects in San Antonio Texas isn’t always an easy task. A quick Google search will pull up plenty of options, but can you count on them for completing the job on budget, in time and with a high standard of quality? Having a general contractor on whom that […]

Raub Report: San Antonio Rebound is Looking Good - Blog Image

Raub Report: San Antonio Rebound is Looking Good

September 1, 2020

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash While our days seem in a vortex of negative news, pandemic fears, election uncertainties (will there be a credible result by Wednesday November 4th?), etc., let’s step back a moment and look at what we actually know is going on in our area. Here is a collage of news […]

Raub Report: Summer Days of Covid - Blog Image

Raub Report: Summer Days of Covid

August 3, 2020

Green Street Advisors, the premier commercial real estate analysis firm, covers properties across the globe. They are highly respected for their depth of analysis and breadth of coverage. Their best estimate on impact that the Days of Covid have had on commercial real estate across the board is a reduction in value of about 10 […]

7 Reasons to Use an Exclusive Agency Listing - Blog Image

7 Reasons to Use an Exclusive Agency Listing

July 16, 2020

Photo by Matthias Zomer from Pexels What is an Exclusive Listing? There are a number of ways to sell a property, but which one is the best? It depends on the situation and who you ask, of course. But there are some distinct advantages to choosing an exclusive agency listing. What is an exclusive agency […]

Big Wins for the Texas Industrial Sector - Blog Image

Big Wins for the Texas Industrial Sector

June 29, 2020

Photo by Unsplash More Good News for the San Antonio-Austin Corridor! First Toyota’s Tundra Truck Plant, then NaviStar breaks ground this week on their new plant for electric trucks on San Antonio’s southside. Now, Tesla announces its new manufacturing plant for east Austin! These are great Wins for South Texas, and there will be more […]

18 Rules of Real Estate To Propel you Forward - Blog Image

18 Rules of Real Estate To Propel you Forward

June 18, 2020

Image by Pixabay 1. Help others, and they will help you. Understand their side and be certain that they understand yours. 2. Don’t be mediocre, strive for excellence – it’s the little details that make big things happen. 3. If you want it badly enough, you’ll find a way to do it and succeed. Expect […]

Raub Report: The New Office – Back to the Basics - Blog Image

Raub Report: The New Office – Back to the Basics

June 5, 2020

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash The New Office – Will companies find that working from home is as effective as being on-site? In 2013, Marissa Mayer took over as CEO of Yahoo! and sent everyone in the company out to work from home. After 6 months she ended the experiment, saying,   “To become […]

Raub Report: On to the new, New Normal - Blog Image

Raub Report: On to the new, New Normal

May 1, 2020

We are still in the midst of the Covid-19 healthcare crisis, but it appears the worst of this first phase is over. Here in San Antonio, hospitalizations have dropped from 77 to 54 with only 3 on ventilators as of the end of April. So, San Antonio metro area has not been hit as hard […]

$2-Trillion Bill Passed to Alleviate Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses - Blog Image

$2-Trillion Bill Passed to Alleviate Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses

April 3, 2020

Many have been wondering what will happen to our economy with the various difficulties companies are encountering since the outbreak of COVID-19. With people choosing to stay out of public places as much as possible, businesses are forced to close their doors. As a result, many cannot make rent and employees are being laid off. […]

Raub Report: The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow - Blog Image

Raub Report: The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

April 1, 2020

I am in the process of throwing out all of the magazines and newspaper articles that I use for research for this newsletter.  They are no longer relevant as we are leaving the old world and plunging into a new era, because of the quarantines put in place to combat the COVID-19 virus.   No one […]

How Ikea Survived the Retail Apocalypse - Blog Image

How Ikea Survived the Retail Apocalypse

February 26, 2020

With the start of a new decade, 2020 shows a marked shift in how customers interact in the retail world. Trends in online shopping are on the rise, forcing retailers to change the game. How can retailers attract clientele in this on-the-go, convenience oriented culture? Innovation. In order to survive, companies must determine what type […]

How to Find Commercial Property for Sale - Blog Image

How to Find Commercial Property for Sale

January 27, 2020

If you Google “how to find commercial property for sale” you’ll see page after page of websites and online platforms to search for commercial properties. Frankly, it can be overwhelming. Deciding on how to find the commercial property you want is not always an easy task. So today, we’ll break down some options so you […]

Raub Report: 2020 Forecasts & Predictions - Blog Image

Raub Report: 2020 Forecasts & Predictions

January 7, 2020

Happy New Year!  It’s that time of year for Forecasts and Predictions.  I have been a member for years of a Brokers Breakfast Group and each December we each make a forecast for the Year Ahead – will it be Better, the Same or Worse?  This year the consensus was mostly the Same or Better, […]

Physical Retail Set to Dominate Holiday Season - Blog Image

Physical Retail Set to Dominate Holiday Season

December 11, 2019

The 2019 holiday season saw a sharp increase in shoppers visiting retail locations. 62% of the adult population visited retail centers following the Thanksgiving holiday and on average they spent $504 on goods and services, up from $413 a year ago. According to The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), Physical retailers with online stores […]

Raub Report: This New Trend is Changing Retail - Blog Image

Raub Report: This New Trend is Changing Retail

November 27, 2019

The Happy Holiday Season is upon us and it is time for Black Friday retail shopping and the rush to get all of the great and popular gifts for Christmas.  So let’s look at retail commercial real estate, because when you read the press, you would think that Black Friday’s meaning is really the death […]

How a Commercial Broker Adds Value to Your Business - Blog Image

How a Commercial Broker Adds Value to Your Business

November 5, 2019

Securing commercial real estate by lease or purchase can be a long and difficult process if you don’t have a qualified expert lending you a hand. There are several misconceptions about hiring a commercial broker, the main one being cost of services. Many brokers, including Investment Realty, do not charge hidden fees or upfront charges […]

Raub Report: Downtown San Antonio Transformed - Blog Image

Raub Report: Downtown San Antonio Transformed

October 29, 2019

Downtown San Antonio is undergoing an amazing transformation.  Mayor Castro, in January 2009, declared this to be the “Decade of Downtown” and so it has been, and we are just getting started. There are three elements that came together to start this in 2005: 1. Kit Goldsbury sold Pace Picante Sauce to Campbell Soup and […]

Raub Report: San Antonio Industrial Real Estate Market on Fire for New Growth - Blog Image

Raub Report: San Antonio Industrial Real Estate Market on Fire for New Growth

September 27, 2019

The San Antonio industrial real estate market has really been on fire lately for new plant announcements. Investment Realty just scored a big win in the manufacturing arena with the updating of the Toyota plant on Applewhite Road for $391-million. This plant opened in 2006, manufacturing the very popular Tundra truck. Then, it also picked […]

Toyota’s Investment a Plus for Economic Expansion in San Antonio - Blog Image

Toyota’s Investment a Plus for Economic Expansion in San Antonio

September 26, 2019

The $391 million investment into Toyota’s San Antonio manufacturing plant is expected to enhance economic expansion in San Antonio, and the plant’s long-term performance and competitiveness. Although no additional jobs are tied to the investment, one of Toyota’s suppliers will see a boost in employment within the coming years. Aisin AW, a Japanese corporation that […]

Death of Retail Real Estate Exaggerated: 5 Retailers Opening for Every Closing - Blog Image

Death of Retail Real Estate Exaggerated: 5 Retailers Opening for Every Closing

August 27, 2019

The rumor about the death of retail real estate has been greatly exaggerated. IHL Group, a global research and advisory firm specializing in technology for the retail and hospitality industry, recently came out with a report detailing the growth of the retail real estate industry. In 2019, more than five retail chains are opening their […]

These Factors Make San Antonio the Most Affordable City - Blog Image

These Factors Make San Antonio the Most Affordable City

July 11, 2019

This year, San Antonio was named the most affordable city with a population greater than 1 million. The Alamo City has no state income tax, no real winter and an amazing selection of food that keeps the population happy and their stomachs full. But just how affordable is the 7th largest U.S. city? A report […]

Raub Report: Property Value in San Antonio Outpacing Value Appreciation - Blog Image

Raub Report: Property Value in San Antonio Outpacing Value Appreciation

June 26, 2019

A frequent topic I see lately is the issue of Affordable Housing and property value in San Antonio. One of the biggest expenses of owning property, whether it’s your own home or a rental property, is property taxes. Home appreciation in San Antonio averaged about 4.3% last year, one of the highest rates in Texas. […]

Healthcare Providers are a Win for Retail Centers - Blog Image

Healthcare Providers are a Win for Retail Centers

June 12, 2019

Landlords are noticing the benefits of having healthcare providers as tenants. Seeking high quality tenants for a retail location can always be a daunting task. Furthermore, finding tenants that increase property value and provide consistent revenue can be a challenge. With the switch from traditional office space to retail locations, healthcare providers can now give […]

San Antonio Named Top Market for Retail Investment - Blog Image

San Antonio Named Top Market for Retail Investment

May 31, 2019

Ten-X Commercial, a California based real estate search engine, reported San Antonio as a top market for retail investment. In the report, Ten-X Commercial predicted that retail rents in the Alamo City could rise 4.1% by 2022. Much of the report’s data is attributed to the retail market’s growing strength in San Antonio. According to […]

University of Incarnate Word Expands Campus with Purchase of AT&T Building - Blog Image

University of Incarnate Word Expands Campus with Purchase of AT&T Building

May 13, 2019

AT&T, once headquartered in San Antonio until 2008 before moving to Dallas, sold one of its corporate buildings recently to The University of Incarnate Word less than three months after it was placed on the market. The 347,426-square-foot building is conveniently located across the street from the University making it an optimal purchase for Incarnate […]

Pecan Springs RV Park For Sale (Sold) - Blog Image

Pecan Springs RV Park For Sale (Sold)

April 22, 2019

Pecan Springs brings you 11.35 acres of developed RV park with another 6 acres of undeveloped land for future use. Located near Floresville, TX and just minutes away from Eagle Ford Shale, Pecan Springs is a great opportunity for future investors or those looking to capitalize on the booming south Texas oil industry. Commercial road […]

San Antonio Ranked First in Texas for Installed Solar Capacity - Blog Image

San Antonio Ranked First in Texas for Installed Solar Capacity

April 12, 2019

Environment Texas, a citizen-based environmental advocacy project by Environment America, recently gave San Antonio a Solar Star rating for its continued advancement into the solar powered industry. The Alamo City ranked first in Texas and 7th in the country for installed solar capacity. CPS Energy celebrated with the city’s success. The large San Antonio based […]

Raub Report: Are We in the Late Stage of the Economic Cycle? - Blog Image

Raub Report: Are We in the Late Stage of the Economic Cycle?

March 12, 2019

The broad consensus among commercial real estate investors, far and wide, is that we are in the very late stages of this current expansion, yet, the markets still remain surprisingly stable and durable. Now that the worries about more interest increases have calmed, and the stock market’s December tantrum has been mostly erased, IRC has […]

Oakland Versus San Antonio Real Estate- What You Get for What You Pay - Blog Image

Oakland Versus San Antonio Real Estate- What You Get for What You Pay

February 22, 2019

There is a dramatic difference in what you can get for a home in Oakland, California versus San Antonio, Texas. It’s no secret that California’s home prices have reached levels rarely ever seen. In contrast, San Antonio saw the largest population boom in 2018 according to a Forbes report; however, the Alamo City still remains […]

Rapid Delivery and the Need for Industrial Real Estate Space - Blog Image

Rapid Delivery and the Need for Industrial Real Estate Space

February 12, 2019

A decade ago it was not uncommon to wait over a week for something you ordered online to be delivered to your door. However, when you look outside your window today you might see multiple delivery trucks combing your neighborhood to make their deliveries. Many of the items they carry could have been ordered as […]

Miranda Rihn Joins Investment Realty Co. L.C. - Blog Image

Miranda Rihn Joins Investment Realty Co. L.C.

January 22, 2019

New Sales Agent Brings Diverse Corporate Experience to Real Estate Firm Investment Realty Co. L.C. is pleased to announce that Miranda Rihn has joined as a Sales and Leasing Specialist in its San Antonio office. In her new role, Rihn will specialize in tenant representation as well as sales and leasing in the retail and […]

Best Cities to Open a Restaurant in 2019 - Blog Image

Best Cities to Open a Restaurant in 2019

January 19, 2019

The best cities to open a restaurant are cities that are growing in population, have a solid job market and boast affordable real estate prices and rent costs to boot. It might sound like a tall order, but there are quite a few major markets that fit this bill. Are you scouting for the best […]

7 Crucial Tips for Leasing Commercial Property - Blog Image

7 Crucial Tips for Leasing Commercial Property

January 14, 2019

Leasing commercial properties can be a lucrative deal if completed properly, ensuring both you as the tenant and the landlord benefit from the deal. It’s handy to keep in mind certain tips for leasing commercial property. Negotiating the commercial lease is the lengthiest and most important process of leasing commercial properties, and it’s vital to […]

Top 3 Commercial Real Estate Trends for 2019 - Blog Image

Top 3 Commercial Real Estate Trends for 2019

December 28, 2018

As the new year approaches, commercial real estate industry execs, researchers and influencers expect several trends to dominate in the coming year. From online retailers breaking into brick-and-mortar to the rise of opportunity zones, here are the top trends IRC expects for 2019: 1. Opportunity Zone Programs Will Continue to Rise On December 12, President […]

Raub Report: Tech Dominance in Austin May Keep San Antonio Steady - Blog Image

Raub Report: Tech Dominance in Austin May Keep San Antonio Steady

December 20, 2018

I sense everyone is getting pretty nervous right now: 1. This has been a really long economic advance. 2. Trump’s election has enhanced and lengthened it. 3. Interest rates are rising, for now. 4. All believe we are in the Late Stable stage of the commercial real estate cycle. 5. I have seen investors putting […]

Choosing a Business Location in San Antonio (6 Critical Factors) - Blog Image

Choosing a Business Location in San Antonio (6 Critical Factors)

November 27, 2018

Choosing a business location in San Antonio is no easy feat. With more than 465 square miles to its name, the city is a sprawling, expansive one with millions of feet of real estate to choose from. So, how do you go about choosing the absolute best one for your company? Here are six factors […]

San Antonio Millennials Facing Housing Hurdles - Blog Image

San Antonio Millennials Facing Housing Hurdles

October 30, 2018

According to the 3rd annual Zillow Group Report on Consumer Housing Trends, millennials are most likely to have an offer fall through when trying to sell their home, make concessions or change the date of their closing. Sellers are now finding it more difficult to sell their home to millennials due to the timeline of […]

Emerging Tech for Retail & Real Estate Use - Blog Image

Emerging Tech for Retail & Real Estate Use

October 17, 2018

New technology, especially when used in the right context for shoppers or clients, can be incredibly useful; however, implementing new technology just for the sake of showing off isn’t always in the consumer’s best interest. It may even be confusing to the client when they are ready to make a buying decision. JDA, a software […]

Finding the Ideal Space with IRC Tenant Representation - Blog Image

Finding the Ideal Space with IRC Tenant Representation

October 3, 2018

Tenant Representation is exactly how it sounds, a type of commercial real estate brokerage service where an agent focuses on the needs of the tenant, rather than the needs of the landlord. Your tenant representative has only one person in mind, you. Your benefit, needs, and interests are their top priority. Using a tenant representative […]

Elisabeth Niles Joins Investment Realty Co. L.C. - Blog Image

Elisabeth Niles Joins Investment Realty Co. L.C.

September 12, 2018

New Sales Agent Brings More Than 10 Years of Commercial Real Estate Experience Investment Realty Co. L.C. is pleased to announce that Elisabeth Niles has been hired as a Sales and Leasing Specialist in its San Antonio office. In her new role, Niles will specialize in tenant representation as well as sales and leasing in […]

2018 Top Ten Boom Town List: San Antonio #9 - Blog Image

2018 Top Ten Boom Town List: San Antonio #9

August 21, 2018

San Antonio, Dallas and Austin all made the top list of America’s Biggest Boomtowns by Magnify Money. The factors that make a boomtown comprise of industry growth, increasing employment opportunities and relocation. San Antonio beat Houston, currently at #11, in housing score, workforce & earning score and business growth making it #9 on the list. […]

Coming Soon: 100 SF Cement Micro Pods - Blog Image

Coming Soon: 100 SF Cement Micro Pods

July 24, 2018

Housing costs and lack of space continues to drive developers to think outside the box. In fact, developers aren’t thinking of boxes at all, they’re thinking of round cylindrical 100 square foot micro apartments as a small solution to the ever increasing need for space. Hong Kong-based James Law Cybertecture unveiled their designs for OPods, […]

Factors Driving Consumer Adoption - Blog Image

Factors Driving Consumer Adoption

July 5, 2018

Several factors drive consumer adoption according to Toluna, a consumer insight company. Commonplace services such as same-day delivery, ride sharing apps and on demand entertainment are at the forefront of Toluna’s study on consumer adoption. According to the study 71% of consumers have used fast shipping retailers like Amazon and Walmart. Netflix and Hulu were […]

Alamo City Enjoys Booming Growth, Without the Growing Pains - Blog Image

Alamo City Enjoys Booming Growth, Without the Growing Pains

June 14, 2018

The Alamo City hasn’t experienced the significant headaches that Austin or Houston has seen in recent years. San Antonio saw a net growth of 24,000 people last year. Many of them are millennials hoping to escape higher costs of living or looking to start their next career in biomedical, tech, or military. Most cities experience […]

Investment Realty Co. L.C Announces Certified Drone Pilot - Blog Image

Investment Realty Co. L.C Announces Certified Drone Pilot

April 3, 2018

Image Source: FilmStrong Productions Investment Realty Co. L.C., would like to announce they have a certified FAA drone pilot employed by their company. After taking over all marketing duties, Michael Johnson, marketing manager for Investment Realty Company, became a UAS drone pilot in order to produce more content for IRC’s listings, investors and social media. With […]

Commercial Real Estate Prices Fall for San Antonio

February 8, 2018

With a .3% price decrease last month, commercial real estate prices continue to see a drop as we head further into 2018. “The declines over the last three quarters have been mild and more of a stagnation than a decline,” Ten-X Senior Quantitative Strategist Chris Muoio said. Two things can be chalked up for the […]

Automated Stores Becoming a Reality

December 19, 2017

Unmanned stores across China are attracting the convenience-seeking shopper. With such a massive population to appeal to, it’s no secret that convenience and easy access would be a top priority for China’s retail market. Cutting-edge technology such as artificial intelligence, computer vision and biometric recognition that tracks a shopper’s movements are all new technologies currently […]

Top Online Retailers Moving to Brick-and-Mortar

November 13, 2017

Top online retailers are moving their way into physical retail. Award winning retail architect, Kenne Shepherd shared his thoughts on the top online retail stores that are pushing into brick-and-mortar. Amazon No other online retailer on this list has the same potential of impacting the San Antonio commercial real estate sector as Amazon. The top […]

Baby Boomers keep Millennials from buying homes- Housing Shortage Study

September 19, 2017

Baby Boomers may be somewhat to blame for continued housing inventory shortages. Boomers are reluctant to sell which leaves Millennials, also known as Generation Y, with fewer properties to choose from. The new Housing Shortage Study from mentioned there is data behind the shortage of homes. Boomers hold a 78% stake in homeownership compared […]

Raub Report- August 2017

August 29, 2017

The acre is the basic measure of real estate area in the United States and there are 640 of them in a square mile. Then, next smaller unit is the square foot, and there are 43,560 of them in an acre. Property leases and sales are measured in square feet and even the area of […]

Convenient, Cost-Effective Urgent Care Clinics on the Rise

August 23, 2017

Urgent healthcare centers are popping up everywhere in San Antonio. However, urgent care centers may have become so popular that they may be overbuilding. Studies continue to show the growth of urgent care and how they rely on convenience and cost friendly options to stay afloat. Kalorama Information, a division of, recently came out […]

The ever changing physician real estate market

August 18, 2017

Choosing to own or lease a property is a major concern for private practices, and more physicians are learning each day that investing in real estate is a smart move.  Leasing offers the lowest initial occupancy cost and the least amount of capital risk for those seeking property. Healthcare’s move to retail has been a […]

Yes, Millennials Dine Out a Lot. But They Use Coupons.

July 6, 2017

Although Millennials dine out more than any other age group, they frequently use more coupons and online offers to grab a cheaper meal. Approximately 42% of food spending by millennials is devoted to restaurant dining, but the data also suggests they are cautious about their spending and tend to pinch pennies. Acosta, a CPG consultancy, […]

Move Over Gateway Cities: Why Texas Is Attractive to Foreign Investors

June 22, 2017

It is becoming evident amid the changing foreign investment climate that investors, looking to diversify their strategies and targets, like the Lone Star state. Texas now outpaces California and the entire country in foreign investment % relative to sales volume. Last year alone foreign investment totaled $5B, 15% of total sales according to Costar. More […]

Here’s what could happen to America’s hundreds of dead malls

May 25, 2017

Northgate Mall, designed by John Graham Jr, defined the classic mall look. Graham’s design for the mall spread across the country and has become the standard among many large mall shopping centers. However, Northgate is now struggling to hold onto its former glory days. In the 21st century, hundreds of malls have closed their stores […]

Corporate Tax Cut as Growth Elixir? Foreign Experience Suggests Caution

May 23, 2017

President Trump seeks to lower corporate tax rates to 15% from its current rate of 35% in hopes of eventually pushing U.S. long-term growth rate up to 3% from 2%. In comparison to other countries, the United States has the highest coporate tax rate within the 35-nation Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Other countries […]

Despite strong opposition, Texas bill to ban ‘impact’ fees moves to Senate

May 8, 2017

Rep. Ron Simmons refused pleas to halt his bill that would ban linkage fees on residential builders. Simmons stood his ground on the house floor and was opposed to any new tax that would make the price of affordable housing increase. “We’re just saying that we’re not going to have linkage fees that put the […]

Millennials Are All About the Online Experience—Except in Real Estate

April 27, 2017

A recent survey by CentSai, a financial wellness website, shows that millennials would much prefer to work with a real estate agent or mortgage lender face to face, over 70% respectively, as opposed to with online professionals due to reasons such as personal touch, handholding, and local knowledge. A recent Ellie Mae survey showed similar […]

Fiesta Texas president says ‘unprecedented’ additions planned for Six Flags

March 31, 2017

Six Flags Fiesta Texas is bringing some exciting new changes to its San Antonio park. Jeffrey Siebert, Fiesta Texas President, said new rides, shows and technology will debut over the next few years and park guests will be amazed at what the future holds. This coming season, Fiesta Texas will see a new Mardi Gras […]

San Antonio’s Economic Progress

March 15, 2017

The 2008 Great Recession brought much hardship for the nation but not for the city of San Antonio. Brooking’s Metro Monitor report showed San Antonio as one of 11 U.S cities that made gains between 2010 and 2015. Brooking’s report focuses on researching metropolitan economies and showed San Antonio as performing above average in total […]

Housing Costs Take Up Biggest Share of Income since 2010

March 13, 2017

Increasing interest rates and the appreciation of home values have led to the biggest percentage in median household income, currently at a 16% high not seen since 2010, income now needing to be allocated for home mortgages. Zillow Chief economist, Dr. Svenja Gudell notes that we still have room to grow on a nationwide basis […]

Americans More Confident in Housing than Ever Before

The Fannie Mae Home Purchase Sentiment Index (HPSI) recently showed a surge in confidence for home buyers. Now is “a good time” to buy or sell a home because optimism and confidence are higher than ever before. “The latest post-election surge in optimism puts the HPSI at its highest level since its starting point in […]

Walmart’s Convenience Store Concept

March 10, 2017

A new shopping concept, brought to you by Walmart, has come to the small town of Crowley, TX. This small town sits right by Interstate 35, a prime area for Walmart to set up its new 2,500 square foot convenience store. Walmart doesn’t want to reinvent the convenience store, merely tweak and make it better. […]

How to Save a Dying Mall

The Hudson Valley Mall, located on a hilltop in Kingston, N.Y., was an enjoyable avenue for spending time on a weekend. Strolling through the various shops and large outlets like JC Penney and Macy’s soon became a thing of the past for the Hudson Valley Mall. JC Penny and Macy’s decided to close up shop […]

Millennials DIY Home Improvement

January 31, 2017

Millennials are many things, one of them being thrifty. In a recent survey by Better Homes & Gardens magazine, millennials proved to be focused on building equity, learning about do-it-yourself home improvement, and preferring patience, and frugality rather than overstretching by taking out a large loan to purchase a move-in ready home with all of […]

Drones Affecting Commercial Real Estate

January 5, 2017

The rise in popularity of drones in recent months has prompted questions pertaining to air rights, actionable interference, avigation easements, and nuisance claims. “Droneports” similar in structure to airports may become a reality on the near future, unlike their larger scale counterparts these stations will be located in urban areas. Although research and development of […]

Homeowner Wealth On The Rise

December 8, 2016

According to two reports, one from the S&P/CoreLogic and another by ATTOM Data Solutions, owner of RealtyTrac, homeowner wealth in the United States has more than doubled from $6.1 trillion in 2011 to $12.7 in 2016. In contrast, the number of homeowners who are significantly behind on their mortgage is currently 6 million, half of […]

Specialty Grocers Will Hit the Gas While H-E-B and Walmart Push the Brakes

November 16, 2016

HEB and Walmart (NYSE:WMT) will slow down expansion in San Antonio to two andzero new locations, respectively, in the upcoming 2017 fiscal year. This change in the retail market will create for an opportunity where smaller, and ambitious specialty retailers such as Natural Grocers (NYSE:NGVC), now known as Mercado Del Pueblo, Aldi, Lidl, and Trader […]

5 Largest Tracts Slated For New or Redevelopment in San Antonio

November 2, 2016

San Antonio’s continued population growth and increasing commercial activity have prompted development across the city, the following are a few such projects. As of Spring 2017, 200 acres of retail, multifamily, and single family residences are expected to begin the groundbreaking process, the development is located at the southwest intersection on Potranco and 1604. At […]

Hemisfair Facing Multimillion-dollar Shortfall For Civic Park Redevelopment

November 1, 2016

  Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corp. is currently facing a newly arisen shortfall of funding for Civic Park in downtown San Antonio. Of the original $58 Million USD budgeted to build out the park, now only $21 Million USD, provided for by the city, are at hand. HPARC CEO Andres Andujar has a plan to […]

San Antonio Zoo Breaking Records and Buzzing with New Interest

September 1, 2016

The 100 year old San Antonio Zoo reached an all-time record of 1.2 million guests passing though the park’s gates this past 12 months. The zoo was able to create a new buzz by improving or creating new animal habitats, restaurant and retail spaces. With this all-time record, new interest of investment has taken place […]

Harry’s Shave Subscriptions on Target’s Shelves

August 12, 2016

With Razors being cheaper to purchase online though companies such as Harry’s Shave Subscriptions and Dollar Shave Club, retailers are having a difficult time selling the product they already have on the shelves. Drumroll…, a different edge on selling razor products, Target and Harry’s decided to team up to offer online subscriptions for Harry’s shaving […]

Are You Scaring Away Potential Employers

January 14, 2016

Another year just ended and the work force welcomes new college graduates eagerly looking to start their careers. While the country’s job market has improved, it still can be a time consuming process. published an article by contributor, Liz Ryan, “Five Ways Job-Seekers Scare Employers Away.” Ryan shares mistakes that can be easily made […]

San Antonio Experienced Major Growth in 2014

October 20, 2015

2014 proved to be a very successful year for the Alamo City. Recent data published by the U.S. Census Bureau shows that the San Antonio area experienced a lot of growth last year.  Comal County had the 6th fastest growth in the country at a rate 4.4 percent growth. Guadalupe County was ranked 29th with […]

Raub Report August 2015

August 26, 2015

How safe is commercial real estate investing?  Are we over-building or is this the sweet spot?   The Cost of new construction is now very high, as land prices, construction materials and labor costs have risen substantially; and they are very unlikely to decline.   One of the basic measures of a building’s value is ‘what […]

Southwest Airlines Bringing More Jobs to San Antonio

August 12, 2015

More jobs will be landing in San Antonio very soon.  Southwest airlines has announced plans to hire 650 customer service representatives at their call centers in San Antonio, Albuquerque and Phoenix. Currently Southwest has the highest passenger counts of any airline that operates out of the San Antonio International Airport making it the No.1 airline […]

Life’s Special Moments Making You More at Risk for Identity Theft

July 20, 2015

There are so many big events in a person’s life. Exciting milestones we pass that are often referred to as some of the happiest moments of our lives. What if I told you that those moments make you more likely to be a victim? According to a recent Business Insider interview with Lifelock’s Educational Programs […]

There’s a Machine For That

July 9, 2015

Could vending be the compromise online traditional and modern shoppers have been searching for? Have you heard the phrase, “There’s an app for that”? Well now you might be hearing people say, “There’s a vending machine for that.” Some shopping center owners are starting to think automated retail may help in the fight to save […]

Stand out to in your next interview

July 6, 2015

If you’ve been on the job search for a while you’ve probably done your research on questions to ask at an interview. What are the benefits? What is the schedule? Compensation? These are all typically points of information most candidates eventually ask but what about the question you don’t ask? The questions that set you […]

Do You Believe In Magic?

March 24, 2015

Do you believe in magic? Well it may be time to start. “Magic” is a virtual assistant accessed simply by a phone number. The same way you might send a text message to a real assistant you text Magic’s number and a live operator responds to your need. As their site says “Anything you want. […]

Amazon Crossing Over Into Brick and Mortar Territory

March 17, 2015

There seems to be a constant suggestion that ecommerce will over shadow traditional retail. While most companies believe the only way to survive in this computer adapted world is to have an online presence,   one online powerhouse is going the opposite direction. Purdue University will be home to the experimental customer-order pickup and drop off […]

San Antonio Listed as a Best Performing City

February 12, 2015

San Antonio- New Braunfels ranks #10 on the Milken Institutes list of Top 25 Best-Performing Large Cities 2014. Up two spots from #12 on 2013’s list, the gain can be attributed to the cities constant job and wage growth. A major asset for the area was the Eagle Ford shale and the jobs it has […]

Raub Report November 2014

November 20, 2014

Retailing is changing, but it is still very much in fashion.  It is now a tale of two markets. One is the large national retail corporations that have dozens, hundreds or thousands of store outlets nationwide.   They can afford to pay the higher rents that are required to support new construction.  The increases in 1. […]

Hot to Reduce Stress at Work

September 18, 2014

Work is a wonderful thing. It’s the necessary process to get tasks completed, puts food on our tables and clothes on our backs. It can increase life span and gives us a sense of purpose in life. However with all that can come a price: stress. Trying to beat a deadline, file that last bit […]

What Not to Say At a Job Interview

August 11, 2014

When preparing for an interview we often focus on what to say. The words and phrases that might slip out may seem harmless but can cost you the job of your dreams. Here are 3 things to avoid when interviewing. Filler words– Using phrases like “and stuff”, “other things”, “a large assortment” “things like that”“etc” […]

Millennials Lacking in Life Skills

August 4, 2014

Millennials are their increasing education but losing life skills. In this tech savvy world kindergarteners can show you how to change the ringtone on your smartphone but most do not know to say “thank you” when someone gives them a gift. According to Forbes’ contributor Neil Howe’s article Millennials Struggle to Pass Life Skills 101, […]

Raub Report April 2014

April 8, 2014

For decades now, the U.S. economy has depended upon and been gaged by consumer consumption.  Consumer spending is watched closely by economic analysts for swings and indications of the health of the economy.  In the past few years, it has dipped because of the Great Recession and our desire to pay off debt and slim […]

How to Improve Your Time Management Skills

March 5, 2014

Whether you’re managing yourself or managing a team you will face issues. Perhaps you or your team have problems meeting deadlines, or you’re the type of person who always feels obligated to say, “Yes” no matter how tall your pile of work is, you can probably benefit from these management tips. No is not a […]

Benefits of Phone Interviews

March 3, 2014

No matter how much the economy improves you can assume that for every new position that opens there are 10 people willing to fill it. As the person who receives the applications how, do you go about choosing the right candidate without wasting a lot of time? More and more companies are turning to the […]

Social Media Mayhem

January 22, 2014

January 7, 2014 the Phoenix Business Blog posted an article by Shanyna Balch, “5 Ways to Manage Your Employees in the Digital World.” As Balch states in her introduction social media has become the rule not the exception. Nearly everyone participates in some form. From middle school children to retirees everyone has some place in […]

5 Small Secrets to Keep Yourself Sane at the Office This Year

January 8, 2014

Labels: Sounds simple but taking 5 seconds to label a folder or put a sticky note on a pile of paper clipped papers will save you an enormous amount of searching. We would all like to say that we have everything in organized folders but we all have that one folder or pile deemed our […]

5 Tips to Achieve Your New Year Goals

December 26, 2013

“New year, new me,” we’ve all said some variation of this statements in our lives. People think of the New Year as a fresh start. A time where they can set new goals. A season of, “out with the old and in with the new”. For some people this means dropping that extra 10 pounds, […]

Things You Should Consider When Thinking About Retirement

October 2, 2013

If the economic woes in the U.S. over the past decade have taught the Baby Boomer Generation anything, it’s that no matter how much you plan you cannot predict every economic trend. There is no guarantee your 401K will earn as much as you will need or that your estimated expenses for retirement will be […]

Texas Leaves a Mark in Business Facilities Rankings

September 16, 2013

Every year Business Facilities rank the states to determine where each state stands in different areas including income per capita, best infrastructure, natural gas production leaders and many other categories. Last year’s report resulted in Texas being the 2012 State of the Year. In the 9th annual report released August 30th Texas once again was […]

Goal Achieving or Stress Relieving

August 30, 2013

Goal achieving- A profit making activity that supports your business plan. Stress Relieving- A nice break but doesn’t directly bring in profit. Activities that can consume your day, things that make you feel busy but aren’t actually productive just soothing. A wise old broker once said, “Always ask yourself, ‘is this a commissionable activity?’” Does […]

San Antonio Business Friendly

July 5, 2013

San Antonio has been listed as #4 on CNN’s – “8 most business-friendly cities”. The article reports that the slower pace and lower costs of living are a huge part of the city’s appeal. Other Texas cities that could be found on this “business-friendly list” were – Houston, Austin and Dallas. For the complete list: […]

Texas No. 1 in U.S. for biggest 5-year job gains

January 4, 2012

Texas added far more jobs than any other state in the country in the past five years. Nationwide, only six of the 50 states have more retail jobs today than they did at the end of 2006. That’s according to an analysis of data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics by On Numbers, a […]

Halliburton black gold rush hits SA

December 1, 2011

Oil-field-services Halliburton Co. began work on a $50 million base of operations at I-37 and Loop 1604, for which it will need 1,500 workers to support its operations in the Eagle Ford shale. The 400,000-sf structure will house employees earning annual salaries averaging $70,000. Officials say they hope to fill 75 percent, or more than […]

Eagle Ford Shale impacts Port of Corpus Christi

July 8, 2011

Kilgore-based Martin Midstream Partners LP said Tuesday that it will build a terminal at the Port of Corpus Christi to receive crude oil from the Eagle Ford shale via a recently announced pipeline. Read More

San Antonio Offers Wealth of Colleges and Universities

June 20, 2011

San Antonio is home to a wealth of higher education choices, including Texas’ two major public university systems, community colleges and an extensive menu of private offerings. David Gabler, assistant vice president of communications at the University of Texas at San Antonio, says the university’s 29,000 students make it the fastest-growing university in the state […]